If Being Gay is a Choice, Then it’s Time to Remove Religious Protections
After all of the debate about same-sex marriage no one has yet to define for anyone what is the actual threat to America that will require Congress to consider a constitutional amendment to ban it. If anyone out there has a good reason, please post it here. And before you start with your "because it is bad" or "because the bible say it is bad" or any similar response please note that I am asking for an explanation on what is the actual threat to America.
I have had several discussions about this and have heard numerous presentations and panel discussions on television and radio. It appears that one common thread throughout the argument against same-sex marriage is based on a religious belief coupled with the notion that being homosexual is a choice. Both of these are potential subjects of separate harangues so I will not explore them now. What I do want to present is based on a hypothetical, that being for you to assume that I could actually be convinced that being homosexual is a choice. I know that is an enormous leap as I will probably never be convinced of that, but for now, at least the remainder of this harangue let's assume that I believe that it is a choice.
Now we have a consensus between a lot of you out there and me about this choice that a person makes sometime in their life. It is a clear-cut choice that one sits down and says to himself or herself, "Yup, I think that I will be homosexual. That looks like fun." Maybe some other process is used, but the bottom line is that a person makes the choice.
So, since this is a choice and we now want pass a constitutional amendment to discriminate against these people because of this choice, I believe that this logic would support the elimination of any protection from discrimination based upon religion. After all, isn't a person's religion, or lack thereof, based on a choice?
Time to start calling and writing your congress person. Hopefully you are smart enough to realize that I am NOT suggesting that you ask them to support a ban on same-sex marriage. But if you want to start a campaign to remove religious protection, knock yourself out.
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