Social Security Cheats African Americans?
According to Bush African Americans are being cheated by Social Security because they are “more likely than whites to die before receiving their fair share of retirement benefits.” I have said this previously on my blog and I will repeat it here to reinforce what an idiot this guy is: SOCIAL SECURITY IS NOT A RETIREMENT PLAN!!!! It appears that Bush continues to believe that it is and is basing this proposal to “save” Social Security by selling out to Wall Street on the fact that many Americans do not understand that Social Security is a tax.
Using his logic, since African Americans have shorter life spans they should be taxed a lower rate across the board, because they will not be getting the use out of the roads, schools and other public infrastructure that their federal and state taxes fund. And what about people with genetic diseases that shorten their life spans? Will he make adjustments for these folks also? The guy thinks that if he says something enough times that everyone will think it is true. The really sad thing is that there is a very large contingent in this country that only needs to hear him say something once, as they worship every word he says.
Call or write your Congress representatives, insisting that they not let this madman ruin Social Security!
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