Social Security is NOT Retirement Savings
With all of the attention that Bush's promised privatization of Social Security has created I think that you all should know what no one seems to be telling you, or that very few people actually know - Social Security is NOT your retirement savings. Social Security is a TAX. This tax is used to pay current retirees. This is just like federal or state income tax, except that it has a specific purpose. That purpose has nothing to do with your personal financial security. In other words this is not YOUR money. Establishing private accounts with this money, as Bush proposes, is akin to delivering a few feet of asphalt from the freeway to you, or sending you a school desk or books. You may or may not use the freeways and schools, but just because you helped pay for them with your tax dollars you do not actually own any part of them. Why in the world would this guy believe that you should "own" a piece of the Social Security tax? Because he is an idiot, and if you let him, he will ruin Social Security with this stupid plan. The only folks who will gain from this plan is Wall Street, his base, also known as "the haves who want even more", and Bsh will give it to them.
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