Thursday, March 31, 2005

RIP Terri Schiavo

I offer my most sincere condolences to the family before I provide some thoughts on the matter here.

1. The politicians were, and continue to be, grandstanding on this tragedy. Anything to get the attention off unethical behavior is OK for Delay and company, but it doesn’t wash.

2. With all of the politicians’ emphasis on not redefining marriage so that they can discriminate against homosexuals you would think that they would be consistent and not want to let the court redefine marriage and take the decision-making authority away from Michael Schiavo. But no, they try to get the law changed for this case. Wow. Why can’t all of you who vote these imbeciles into office see through this charade? Oh, I forgot, you cannot see through that “born-again” veil that they have cloaked over themselves, giving them immunity from having original, critical, or objective thought, or most of all, accountability.

3. Why is it that when a judge rules in favor of changing a law to not discriminate against homosexuals he or she is categorized as an “activist”? And, when a judge evaluates a case and rules to let a husband make decisions for his wife, as it has been for a zillion years, they are also called “activist”? Seems like any judge who does not rule in favor for the religious right is an “activist”.

4. When you watch the coverage of this issue they show all of these people protesting. While everyone has a right to assemble, except when Bush appears somewhere, where do these people come from? Are these the same people who demonstrate everywhere and just travel around from cause to cause? Does someone pay them for this? What is the going rate for these “fantasy grievers”?

5. Don’t you think that the “fantasy grievers” protesting outside the hospice could have put their time to better use? The could have spent all of that energy getting people to write living wills, instead of wasting their time trying to see their face on CNN.

6. Last thing on “fantasy grievers”. I would like to see a law put on the books that you cannot be a “fantasy griever” until the age of 18. It is so scary to see these folks dragging their grade school age kids around there with them. These kids have no idea what is going on, yet they are on display there holding a sign that says something that most of them cannot read. I would put this is the category of child abuse, and charge their parents with it.

7. Had Terri Schiavo been in a hospice in any other state, or at least almost any other state, we probably would not have heard about her. But the Bush brothers saw a way to make political hay with their misguided political base and pounced on it. It kind of blew up in their faces, but again the misguided base is so brainwashed that they cannot see through the “cloak”.


At 6:41 AM, Blogger Frank Bresz said...

I can't help but think that your use of "the cloak" is a prelude the to "cloak of the dark side falling". Just when do the clone wars begin?

At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The going rate seems to be $9 an hour.


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