Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Conversation

Tony: This Iraq thing that you got me into is bullocks. I almost lost the last election over this and my numbers are way down.

George: I know, mine too. What you need is an attack on London.

Tony: How would that help?

George: It worked for me. Before 9/11 my numbers were way down and sinking. I was way over my head and the public knew that Dick was calling all of the shots. Then BAM, and everyone loved me.

Tony: Do you really think I can pull this off?

George: Absolutely, just make sure you spin it right. Hell, half of my country still thinks that Iraq had something to do with it.

Tony: But you have the media controlled. Your citizens don’t know anything about what is really going on in your administration. The BBC is all over us. I don’t think I can cover up something like this.

George: That’s easy. I will have Karl call your guy and give him all that he needs to know.

Tony: I don’t have “a guy”.

George: Well you better get yourself one. Karl can help with that too. Give him a call.

Tony: OK, I am desperate here. I’ve got to get started on this.

George: Before you go could you do me a favor?

Tony: Sure, what is it?

George: Plan this to occur when I am in London. My numbers are way down too.

Tony: OK, how about during the G8?

George: Perfect. See you then.


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