Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Who will vote for McCain-Palin?

Have you noticed that the current message from Republican candidates for president and vice president is filled with total crap? Specifically:

Obama wants to impose socialistic values on the US - Well, I hate to break it to you two, but the US is already supported by socialistic values as in, the minimum wage, fair labor practices, Social Security, Medicare, Chrysler bailout, AIG bailout, agriculture subsidies, oil subsidies, etc.

Obama wants to redistribute wealth - Again, this is already in place in the form of taxes. Every time that Congress spends a single dollar they are redistributing our wealth. The most recent example is the $700 bailout of the financial industry.

Obama wants to give a tax break to people who do not pay taxes - Please show me who these people are. Everyone, I repeat, and a bit louder this time, EVERYONE pays taxes, with the only exception being someone who never participates in any form of commerce where money is exchanged for goods and services, i.e. people who live in the wilderness who would not be able to cash a tax refund check anyway.

I guess there must be a large group of people out there who just cannot think for themselves and will believe this stuff. Otherwise why would McCain, Palin, and their surrogates continue to spew this nonsense?

How can anyone vote for these two? I believe that a person who votes for McCain-Palin is either greedy, ignorant, or just not paying attention.

The Greed Group- I can understand that someone making more that $250,000 per year would not want to pay more taxes, and repealing the Bush tax cuts for the rich would certainly make the folks in this group pay more. This group has more basis for their vote than the other two groups and their vote is understandable. But nearly all of these folks are fairly intelligent and should be able to see that continuing the current administration policies is not good for anyone and in the long term will hurt even these greedy bastards.

The Ignorant Group - Where do I start? I have always thought that single-issue voters are stupid. So this includes those whose vote is based on god, gays, guns, etc. Also in this group are all flavors of racists, from those who will not vote for a black person and are not afraid to say so to those who mask it by using such marvelous excuses as not wearing a flag pin, a middle name, inaccurate religious labeling, casual or tangential associations, etc. Then there are those who will just believe anything that McCain or Palin say, like the stuff that I led off this blog post with. Nuff said about that. An finally, the group that pulls the lever, clicks the box, punches the card, etc. in the place for a straight party vote. This is only available in 17 states but it is still a sign of ignorance when a voter chooses this option rather than making a real decision to vote for an actual person.

The Oblivious Group - This is the worst group of all. These people just are not paying attention to what is going on around them. If they were they would see right through McCain’s tactics. They would understand that he is not a person of high character and solid judgment (adulterer, Keating 5, Iraq vote). The whole prisoner of war thing does not make him anymore qualified to lead out military than someone without that experience. As for experience, which he touts as his advantage over Obama, experience in what? With all of that experience in the Senate why did he not ask the questions necessary to make the right vote on Iraq? And the topper is his choice of a running mate. Palin? Palin? Really? Why?

There may be a few folks out there who vote for McCain-Palin that may have legitimate, well-founded reasoning to back up their vote, but I doubt it. Although they would never admit it, nor could I prove it, but I believe that under it all these folks would fall into one of the three groups above.

So, next week, there will be a whole lot of people who vote for McCain-Palin. Even if Obama wins, can we really be that satisfied or energized when we know that there is an enormous number of people in this country who are greedy, ignorant, or oblivious, and are satisfied with themselves? It is not likely that he, or anyone, will be able to get through to these folks.

The positive to come out of all of this? At least the election will be over.


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