Where did our government go?
Yesterday Tim Pawlenty announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for president. In a very slick video announcement he stated "We, the people of the United States, will take back our government." I have some questions about this statement:
- Where did our government go?
- How long has it been gone?
- Is it at least enjoying itself?
- When it comes back will it be refreshed and better than ever?
- Will we really want it back?
- If we don't like it when it comes back can we send it away again?
Seriously, I am tired of hearing politicians making this kind of statement, especially when they make a sweeping generalization that starts with "‘We, the people of the United States, ..." This guy doesn't speak for everyone. There are a lot of people out there that like the current government very much. Just ask those who received a giant tax break in January just because they have a lot of money. Or ask those who are successfully preventing Wall Street and the banks from being properly regulated. Or how about the the military industrial complex. And don't forget the oil companies. All of these people love their government.
The amusing thing is that Mr. Pawlenty wants to be the nominee from the party that includes all of these people and others who think the government is just hunky dory. So just who are these "‘We, the people of the United States, ..." that he is talking about?
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