Spin or More Lies?
When will the constant “spinning” end in the Bush administration? Instead of offering any kind of explanation Bush continues to attack those who question his actions and inactions. The current line, which has been orchestrated to all in the administration by someone, probably Rove, is “they want to rewrite history”. Over the past few days I have heard this from a number of different officials, including Bush.
Exactly what do any of the Bushies mean when they say that their opponents want to “rewrite history”? I have not heard any Bush opponent state that:
- We did not invade Iraq based on a claim of Saddam Hussein’s possession of weapons of mass destruction.
- We did not invade Iraq based on a claim that Saddam Hussein was establishing a nuclear weapons program.
- The war was not to be paid for by profits from Iraqi oil.
- The United States would not realize lower gas prices.
If any of the Bush critics would say these things, then I would agree that they were attempting to rewrite history. Bush must face the facts that nothing, absolutely nothing that he said to justify the illegal invasion and occupation Iraq was accurate. Now, whether you call that a lie, manipulated intelligence, or something else, he was flat-out wrong and should be help accountable. Since the administration refuses to be part of the International Criminal Court and the thumb their collective noses at the United Nations, who has the stroke to make these people pay for their misdeeds? I do not really know but I will offer two possible actions:
- A class-action suit filed against everyone in the administration and all congressmen who voted to permit Bush to invade and occupy Iraq by all of the survivors of those killed in Iraq (including Iraqis) and those who have lost any aspect of their lives as they had before being sent to Iraq (maimed, wounded, foreclosure, etc.). I have no idea if this is legal, but it seems to me that powerful people with the power to kill at will should be put on trial when they abuse this power.
- A major upheaval in the form of civil unrest should occur in or throughout the United States. I don’t know what form this should take. Certainly we should not emulate the people in Paris who are burning cars. But aren’t there enough of us out there who have had enough of the Bush administration’s antics to do something? How about if millions of people poured into Manhattan in the middle of the night and clogged up the streets, subway entrances and exits, etc. No one could get to work or anywhere else in the city. I am talking about millions added to the eight million already there, the majority of whom would join this throng. What could they do? Tear gas? They would just create a panic and endanger lives. Maybe they could bring in the National Guard. Oh, I forgot, they are in Iraq. Think about it. An action that shuts New York City and everyone stays until Bush and the rest of his administration resign and leave Washington.
Those are things that dreams are made of.
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