Cheney, What a Mess You've Created
Wow, where does one start with this one? There are just so many angles and none of them offers a very flattering picture. I will briefly examine two items from the incident timeline.
On Saturday, Februrary 11, at 7:50 PM, a little more than an hour after the accidental shooting. The head of the Secret Service office in McAllen, Texas, calls the Kenedy County sheriff to report the accident. The sheriff asks to speak to Cheney, and they schedule an interview for 9:00 AM. So, no official contact is permitted with Cheney for over thirteen hours. Why? Lots of reasons, but most likely a spin team was assembled to help Cheney craft the proper story to tell the sheriff. Another likely one would be to let any judgment-impairing substance be diluted enough to not become an issue if a blood test was requested.
On Wednesday, February 15, at 11:00 PM the White House announced that Cheney will be interviewed by Fox News at 2:00 PM for a program that will air at 6:00 PM. Am I the only person who questions the sanity of this announcement? Fox News is not well known for its objectivity, or ability to criticize anything related to the GOP. I am certain that the questions will be carefully worded by the administration and handed to whomever is tasked with conducting this "interview". Plus the four-hour delay between the "interview" and its airing will give the administration's staff enough time to edit all of the takes and re-takes, giving the finished product the exact message that they want to present. Why wasn't this done live and on CSPAN in front of the press corps? Because they know there are enough of you lemmings out there that will lap this up and ignore the obvious improprieties and their abuse of power.
Post note added on 2/17/06:
Harry Whittington, speaking to reporters outside the hospital where he was treated, said: "My family and I are deeply sorry for all that Vice President Cheney and his family have had to go through this week."
The report did not indicate if he was wearing a brown shirt with the requisite arm band, or if he ended his comments with a hearty Sieg Heil! and stiff-arm salute.
Where do they find these people? Or better yet, how much do thay have to pay them to say this kind of stuff? Hmmmmm, the guy is sprayed with birdshot, pellets lodging in vital organs, nearly has a heart attack and he is sorry for what Cheney was put through? Wow, this is extremely rich. This is so far out there that a sane person couldn't come close to making it up.
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