Monday, October 24, 2011

GOP Blows It, Again

Does everyone remember the GOP going on and on about the solution to health care in the US is letting it sort itself out in the free market and introducing more competition by permitting the sale of health insurance across state lines? Well they had an opportunity to put their votes where their mouths are last week and failed miserably.

A Senate bill was shot down by the Republicans that would have permitted American consumers to buy US-made pharmaceuticals from Canadian vendors over the Internet, by mail order, or in person. This applied only to individuals, not wholesalers, who would be obtaining FDA-approved drugs for their personal use.

Just think, an opportunity to lower the prices of drugs in this country, something that would have given a whole lot of people some additional discretionary income to pump into the economy. But it would have taken some of the profits away from big pharma and the Republicans could have none of that.

For those of you who kneel at the altar of the GOP every November keep in mind that:
  • Nobody will ever force you or any of your loved ones to have an abortion.
  • Nobody will ever force you or any of your loved ones to marry someone of the same sex.
  • Nobody will ever take your guns away from you.
How about throwing all of your bums out and voting in Senators and Representatives who will do something to help everyone and not just the rich and powerful? Just try this so that we can get everything on the right track and then you can go back to your single-issue, narrow-minded, God, Gays, and Guns voting habits.

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