Friday, March 03, 2006

A Challenge to Bush Lovers

Those of you in that 33% who approve of the job that Bush is doing I ask that you provide some evidence of what he has done to gain your approval. Before you do, here are a few things that you cannot use:

- Security - Think about how many attacks on US soil occurred before he assumed power. We are probably less secure now than we were in December 1999.

- Economy - Unless you received a big fat tax refund from his giveaway to the top 1% of the country you do not have a leg to stand on. And if you did receive a check I would respect you a whole lot more if you returned it to him, indicating that you and everyone else in your tax bracket did not need the refund.

- Values - With the number of people in poverty rising steadily since he took office, after several years of decline, the number of people still without health care, and the savings rate a low not seen since the Great Depression, what values, besides lining the pockets of his friends, does he have. And don't start with that 'good Christian' crap, or I will come right back with the 'least among us' and 'eye of the needle' stuff.

Open your eyes and join the majority of the country who believes that this guy is ruining our country.


At 8:20 AM, Blogger Lone Ranger said...

Attacks on US soil. You mean like at Ruby Ridge, Waco and the kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez? Say what you will, at least Bush is killing THEM and not US.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Scott Hayden said...

AAAAAHHHNNT - that is the sound of a buzzer indicating an invalid response.

We are less secure as a nation because Bush is killing.

Try again.


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