Whose Freedom?
Today is Memorial Day, and if I hear one more talking head on TV talk about this being a time to honor all of those who gave their lives to protect our freedom I am going to puke. While I fully support the holiday and honoring those that died while serving this country, I strongly object to classifying all of these persons as having been protecting my or anyone's freedom. I am not totally sure but I think the last time that the freedom of the United States was threatened was during the Spanish-American war. So stop with the fascist propaganda surrounding Memorial Day, honor the dead, and move on.
One more thing, can we stop trotting out a bunch of folks in the service at every sporting event? I know that this fires up a lot of folks, but it does so for all of the wrong reasons. At yesterday's opening ceremonies at the Indy 500 some number of guys in uniform marched in formation for some reason. This reminded me of the numerous broadcasts from Russia during the cold war era. Please stop this crap, it is really embarrassing our country.
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