Tuesday, September 12, 2006

9/11 Boo-hoo, Finally Over. Thank You!

I didn't think that September 12 would ever get here. What we have been subject to in the past few weeks as we were forced to relive every painstaking detail of the World Trade Center (WTC) attacks borders on the insane. I guess we have to expect this from a country that places an enormous emphasis on and receives satisfaction from "fantasy grief", al la Ramsey, Peterson, Holloway, etc.

Let's not replay this year after year, dragging everyone down with all of the negativity associated with an attack by a religious lunatic. And no, I do not mean W's invasion and occupation of Iraq. I am referring to the WTC. But if you want to start a movement that will treat W's "war" as heinous as the WTC attack sign me up.


At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush was no religious lunatic. If you know anything about real fundie Christian culture, it is verboten to say anything in favor of religious universalism (e.g., "we all find God through different paths") as Bush has stated in interviews. In fact, when he's intoxicated, even his Texan accent virtually vanishes (source: Youtube). He's a master actor - a politician bred from birth onward. He's a blue-blooded Yalie carpetbagging globalist / elitist / corporatist pretending to be an evangelical cowboy.

And yes, 9/11 is a cottage industry and excuse for rampant militarism and the rise of Homeland Securitzeinsatzgruppen. I don't see how people get worked up over strangers, really. Three million people die the U.S. annually. Empires crumble. People have no sense of their own fragility and that of the aviary they've built to keep themselves caged from the outside. Compare this tragedy to what happened in Haiti or in the South Asian tsunami. I'm supposed to feel worse because some Sex-in-the-City type got creamed by a falling beam? Do pedophiles having perished on 9/11 get hero status, too? Isn't a cancer death more heartrending - and far more common?

-A religious lunatic

At 6:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW - Anyone else feel that the 10th year anniversary should be called "Our National Disgrace" - 10 years and no completed memorial at either location. Shanksville needs money and Ground Zero needs - I don't know a spine and ability to make a decision and make something instead of 2/3 of this and 1/2 of that?


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